Sommerakademie Kammermusik


Since 1977 the organization is known as the "International Summer Academy for Chamber Music Niedersachsen."

Since then, it promotes the education of particularly gifted musicians. To achieve this purpose, the association works closely with other organizations and institutions such as the Hannover University of Music, Drama and Media.



Jürgen Müllender
Chairman of the Öffentliche Oldenburg

Board of Directors

Landrat Uwe Fietzek, Vorsitzender
Prof. Oliver Wille (als Repräsentant der Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover,
Stellv. Vorsitzender
Cornelia Rothkegel-Hartke
Ivo Weijmanns
Boyan Karanjuloff
Peter Behnen (Kassenwart)
Hermann Goedereis (†)

Artistic Advisors

Prof. Markus Becker
Prof. Konstantin Heidrich
Prof. Norbert Kaiser
Prof. Angelika Merkle
Prof. Martin Spangenberg

General Management

Bernhard Jansen

Organisational Director

Susanne Geer